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EMM CLASSIC from 2014

10 Questions with Fearless Vampire Killers

1 When did you decide a career in music was for you?


Around 16. I had been in bands as a kid but that was the first time in my life that I was genuinely into something. Like mega into. It's stuck ever since and now I find myself living this dream!


Who were your musical inspirations and why?


We all have a vast range of influences. Early ones were David Bowie and the Sex Pistols. As that's what my parents listened to! That then grew into the pop punk stuff like Green Day, Blink, Bowling for Soup etc... then I started getting into The Used, Avenged Sevenfold, My Chem... and now it's all sorts. I really like a band called Nothing More at the moment.

Why? well all these bands share 1 thing. The ability to be able to write a proper song. A skill that

seems to have been lost on many bands in recent years!


Can you tell me three things about yourself that people might not already know?


I am colour blind. My favourite colour is purple and i'm a dog person.


What has been your biggest achievement to date ,what was your biggest career regret and is there anything you want to achieve in the future?


Biggest achievement was probably headlining a stage at Download Festival. That was pretty rad! Regrets wise I would probably say being too nice to people that didn't earn it. We've had a lot of people working with us that just didn't fit right and that almost ruined us. For the future I want to make a cultural impact. I want people to remember this band and eventually say that we made a difference to the musical landscape!


What do you think Fearless Vampire Killers has that makes them stand out from other bands and which song of yours defines the band?


I think we offer our fans much more and I think we're more honest. Everything is home grown and made by us. We built our own social network called The Obsidian Bond for example... honesty wise everything we do out of a love it. Not a desperation to appease the people in charge. This is real music by real friends.


If you had to give up the music industry for another career what would you do and why?


I always wanted to act but I sucked at it... maybe now with a little more experience that would be possible. never say never!


Can you tell me one fact about each member that we may not already know?


Luke was Hemel Boxing Champion.

Laurence has written 2 books and nearly finished a third.

Drew's favourite band is Weezer.

Barrone once painted his dog.


Can you tell us as much as you can about what you are promoting and up to at the moment and what do you do before and after you have been on stage and what is it like for you to play live?


We have a tour coming up with Black Veil Brides then a massive Halloween Party on November 1st! then it's album release on the 3rd. Playing live we always shake eachothers hand before each show. Eye contact is essential! I LOVE PLAYING LIVE. It's what being in a band is all about,


What things do you like to do in your spare time what things make you happy and what things annoy you?


Lots of things annoy me. Not limited to: Bus Drivers, People who take too long at cash points, commuters in London, Sushi and unmade beds.

Being in this band makes me Happy. It consumes most of my time but when I'm not doing this I like to watch house and make home made pizza.


Can you tell me one story from a time backstage or on tour?


One time when we took Dead! on tour they decided to turn everything in the room upside down whilst we were on stage. In return we got them mashed and they were sick in their van!

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