Un-Real Wrestling Experience
All our wrestlers are EXCLUSIVE to URWE and have never been seen anywhere else before!

URWE plans wrestling TAKEOVER throughout 2025
Starting with announcement of five huge Main event shows called
#OpeningNight #RunTheGauntlet #FactionWarFare #ItsYourCall and #AnythingGoes

Linbana Hopes EXCLUSIVE Interview!
Part 1 with official statement
We are so proud to announce that 6ft 2 Latino goddess and amazing wrestling talent Linbana Hopes has become the first signing for URWE.
Linbana is agile and really does think about her next moves way ahead of time. She knows what she wants and knows how and when to get it.
Linbana when first coming to URWE provided us with this statement:
'I am proud of what I have achieved to get here and will make sure by the end of my time in this company, everyone will know my name.'
'There is no one above me and I will do everything I need to do so I can prove just that.'
See below for Linbana's 1st official interview !
Can you tell us more about you and what lead you to getting into wrestling?
I trained to be a gymnast and had done for years. I had managed to get to a high level and achieved a lot,until I picked up a knee injury which stopped me achieving my dreams.While my knee was healing I started to watch wrestling again and really developed a love for it and wanted a new challenge as I felt my gymnastics dreams were over.
What do you hope to achieve in your wrestling career?
Everything! I am here to show the world and everyone who steps into URWE that I am the person they need to beat but will never be able to. There is no one even close to my level and that is why this company signed me 1st. URWE needs Linbana Hopes and I need to prove that my words mean something.Watch as I defeat everyone in my path to show you all what I already know, That I am THE BEST!
Why did you choose URWE?
When they came to me I of course was like all of you and had no idea what URWE was. It was explained to me and when I heard that all the wrestlers were exclusive to the company and the chances we would be given it was a no brainier. This is clearly a company that was not afraid to start something new and had big plans to take it global. They obviously (with me as an example) can spot talent without them having any true ring experience.
Any plans on when you will make your in ring debut?
Yeah I have my plans and the company have theirs. We have spoken about it and we all as a group of people want to keep it quiet and keep people waiting. All I can say it you will see me soon. (Laughs)
What is your message to the other wrestlers in URWE or anyone thinking about signing with them?
Anyone already here has made a big mistake because while I am here and fit you have no way of achieving your ultimate goals.You may get close but you will never get past the last obstacle. Linbana Hopes is URWE. If you ever doubt this think to yourself... Why were you not the 1st Official signing for the company?Also to anyone thinking about signing I welcome you with open arms and then there will be 'NO HOPES' for you.
Describe your in ring style to us?
Intense and non stop. I have designed and perfected a set of moves and transitions to those moves. I have also learned sometimes just go with the flow and what feels right at the time. I also have incorporated what I learned in my gymnastics career and some martial arts to make sure I am ready for anything and anyone. My in ring style is whatever it takes to WIN!
PART 2 Coming Soon.....
Current Wrestlers Signed to URWE
Linbana Hopes
MeMe Haskell
Ivana Tap
Carter Pennyman
Oliver Marsh
Pon Skuel
Felicity Dare
Harmoney Bliss
Paul the creator of URWE had this to say when we asked him about the company
What is URWE and what did you want to achieve with this?
OK URWE stands for Un-real Wrestling Experience which means two things.One is that it will be a different way of doing wrestling that you the fans will not be used too but will find intriguing and the second thing is that it is a fictional story where we have wrestlers who will appear as a comic book setup but with extensive storylines and plots all going on at the same time.I want to achieve a popular brand of wrestling that is different but something everyone is talking about and I have that ready and all we need now is to show it to the world.
Tell me 3 things different about URWE?
Exclusive Roster
We have currently 400 plus talent and they are all 100% exclusive to URWE which is something I believe has never really been done before.This is going to help us a lot as it will make us want to make a star out of all of the talent rather than a select few.Come in with a totally open mind and let us take it over.
You Get The Chance To Change Things!!!
In our entire journey creating the best wrestling experience as possible we want to make sure our fans get a say.
We want you to have a huge part in this so we will give you the chance to a lot of the time change the landscape of URWE
The Challenge Centre
This will be a section that you can see on our social media where any wrestler on our roster can make a challenge to another one of our talent and then you wait for a reply to see if this has been accepted or denied.
Who do you see as your biggest competition when coming into the wrestling business?
We don’t have competition because we are doing a completely different product to anyone else just with the name wrestling.