The Band Mcmillan

With their three-part harmonies and infectious style, The Band McMillan is making their mark on the country music industry. Made up of siblings Lauren, Kathryn, and Robert McMillan, the trio has found a way to mesh the sound of new country with that of traditional country, birthing an unforgettable vibe with their original music. Their highly anticipated next single, "Best Day of Our Lives," is set to release May 3rd, 2024 following their #1 charting Christmas song, "Single Bells." The groups popular love song "Somebody's Got To," debuted at #2 on the iTunes Country charts and has garnered over 50 million plays across social media platforms. Their first single "Only Thing Missin'" was released in April of 2021. It peaked in the top 50 on the iTunes Country charts followed by "Dear Miranda", the groups first top 15 iTunes Country charting single. The trio has amassed a following of over 3 million country music lovers that continues to grow each day. For more of The Band McMillan's content and music, follow their socials
When did you decide that a career in music was for you?
We started posting music video covers to youtube in 2010, that is when we first realized that we wanted to pursue this as a full time career. After many years of hardwork and dedication, we finally started seeing results we had dreamed of reaching in 2020 when we created our Tiktok account and posted videos of us singing our orders at drive-thrus. This was during the Covid lockdowns when drive-thrus were about the only thing still open. The attention we gained from these videos allowed us to have a small platform to release original music in 2021 and thankfully our audience continued to grow from that point on allowing us to be able to now be full time content creators.
Who are your musical inspirations and why?
We have several different musical inspirations. As the songwriter for the group, I really love Brooks & Dunn as they write the majority of their songs on their own. I love to write by myself and it's so encouraging to see other artists that do the same. Their overall sound is so incredible and I feel so connected to their lyrics and melodies, they definitely have inspired numerous songs of ours! We also love Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney, and Keith Whitley all of which have inspired us in some way either through their songs, their performances, and the way they bring stories to life through their music.
Can you tell me 3 things about yourself that people might not already know?
Lauren: My favorite subject in school was Math, I'm afraid of upside-down roller coasters, I'm obsessed with old murder-mystery TV series such as Matlock, Murder She Wrote, Monk, Diagnosis Murder, and Perry Mason
Kathryn: I was asked to be on a cooking show on Food Network when I was in middle school, My favorite food is potatoes, I love the beach but don't like getting into the ocean
Robert: I can do voice impersonations and sound just like many famous cartoon characters, I love hunting,
What has been the best gig you have done to date and why?
We competed in a Battle of The Bands to raise money for St. Jude's Children's Hospital and were fortunate enough to win the competition. This was definitely one of the best gigis we have done to date because we were able to give back to St. Jude raising thousands of dollars for families in need while doing our favorite thing, playing music!
If you could perform a gig at any venue where would it be and why?
The Grand Ole Opry because it is such an iconic venue that many of our all time favorite artists have performed at and to step in the circle would be an incredible honor.
What has been your best achievement to date and what would you like to achieve in the future?
Hitting 1 million subscribers on Youtube was a massive milestone for us. This was something that we never thought would be possible and are still in shock about to this day. We would love to continue growing our following online and the next big milestone specific to our Youtube channel would be 10 million subscribers!
What do you like best about being a musician and why?
We love that we are able to share stories with others and bring people together through our songs. There's nothing better than receiving a message from a listener about how one of our songs has impacted them or seeing someone's face light up when listening to our music. It's such a blessing that we are able to do this full time and all the glory belongs to Jesus Christ, he has opened up so many doors for us and we are forever grateful for this opportunity.
If you were not in the job you are now what would you be doing?
We are very passionate about creating content therefore, if we were not able to do it for ourselves, we would more than likely be creating it for others. So something in the filming/production industry where we could help bring other's ideas to life through video and/or music.
What has been the best gig you have been to as a fan and can you tell us about it?
Seeing Kenny Chesney perform live was absolutely incredible! He puts on such a wonderful show and it is such an awesome atmosphere on his stadium tours.
What things do you like to do when you are away from music?
Lauren: I love sports, especially baseball so in my freetime I'm usually watching a baseball game at Robert's or playing some form of backyard baseball with my brother or brother-in-law.
Kathryn: I love to cook and bake for others. It's so much fun to make elegant five course meals for my family and I really love baking cakes during the holiday season.
Robert: I love hunting and anything to do with the outdoors. I also love to grill on my Blackstone.
Do you think social media and the internet are a good thing in the music industry?
Most definitely! If it were not for social media, we would not be able to share our music with the world today. I also think it's very important to give our listeners an inside look into who we are personally and sites such as youtube, Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, etc. allow us to do just that. This gives our viewers a glimpse into our personalities which in turn allows them to connect with our music on a whole different level in my opinion.
How important do you think your look and image is when it comes to being in the music industry?
We believe it is very important to be true to yourself and transparent with your look and image as this directly correlates with the music that you release. Having transparency with your audiences allows them to feel your emotions in the song more radically causing a sense of vulnerability in connecting them to the stories of original songs.
What would your ideal day consist of?
Our ideal day would consist of being with each other creating content for our social media pages and ending the day with a home cooked meal with our family. We are very close and enjoy each other's company so love to soak it up any chance we get!
How would you answer the question, "Who is The Band McMillan and what are the differences between you as a music artist and you away from music" ?
The Band McMillan is a group of three siblings who are passionate about creating music and content that people all around the world can connect with in hopes of bringing them joy and a sense of unity. Country music is the genre in which we have gravitated towards as we were raised on the country greats and it is very prevalent in our writing style as this genre really lends itself towards the storytelling aspect of songs. We are the "what you see is what you get" kind of people so to be honest, there is not much difference between us as musical artists and ourselves away from music. We feel being open in all aspects of our lives allows our listeners to connect more deeply with our music which is exactly what we hope for with each song we release.
What was the first record or song you purchased and why?
One of the first records we remember listening to was Tim McGraw's Greatest Hits. This included some of our all time favorites such as "Indian Outlaw", "Something Like That", "I Like It, I Love It" and "Don't Take the Girl" to name a few. What is so great about that is that years later we never dreamed we would be covering these songs and singing them all together for our own band. It is such a full circle moment, especially when Tim McGraw himself reacted to our video of us singing " Don't Take the Girl" for our mother as that is one of her favorite songs. The fact that Tim saw the video and took the time to react is so mind-blowing, not to mention that this was one of the first songs we remember listening to growing up. It's so wild to us and we are forever grateful for that video capturing that special moment!
What would say to someone thinking about becoming a musician and getting into the music industry?
Never be afraid of failure. Each time you feel like you've failed or don't reach a goal that you have set for yourself, you are just one step closer to succeeding. The worst thing you can do is compare yourself to others, doing that will only hold you back and hinder you from finding your own road of success. The path is so different from artist to artist so you are only doing yourself harm trying to be exactly like someone who has had success. Stay true to yourself and what you are passionate about and you will make your mark on the industry no doubt!
If you could collaborate with any other band/singer or musician who would you choose and why?
Lauren: Tim McGraw, Brooks & Dunn, and CeeCee Winans. Tim and Brooks & Dunn have been such staple in the industry and in my artistry in my pursuit of country music, I would be honored to collaborate on a song with them. CeCe Winans has one of the most incredible voices of any singer I've ever heard and I'd love to have the opportunity to learn from her in the recording booth, that would be a mind blowing experience!
Kathryn: Kenny Chesney, I am a massive fan of his music and would die at the chance of working with him!
Robert: George Strait, he is the "king of country" and I would love to get the chance to work with him.
If you could have written one song from history which would it have been and why?
This is a tough question but probably "Red Dirt Road" by Brooks & Dunn. I love everything about that song, the storyline, the melody, and the main guitar riff will forever live in my head! It's so amazing!!
What does the rest of the year have in store for you?
We are very excited for all that is in store for 2024 as we are approaching the release of our next single on May 3rd, 2024. This will be different from anything we have ever done in the past as we will have an entire video series on our Youtube channel starting in March of 2024 surrounding this song. Our sister, Kathryn, was recently married and Robert and I surprised her with a song we wrote for her wedding day. It was such a special moment and this song means so much to us because of it. We cannot wait to share this video series with everyone and are extremely excited for the release of "Best Day of Our Lives." Be sure to follow us on all social media platforms @thebandmcmillan to be the first to see this content and hear a sneak peak of the song!